Anabela Carvalho (PhD, University College London) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho, Portugal. She has an extensive experience of research on climate change communication and has authored influential analyses of the discourses of various social actors and the media in the United Kingdom, Portugal and other countries. Citizens’ engagement with climate change and (bio-)sustainability, and especially the conditions for political engagement, have been her main research interests in the last few years.
Maria Fernandes-Jesus (PhD, University of Porto) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Sussex, UK. She is also an associate researcher at the Center for Social Research and Intervention at ISCTE-IUL, Portugal. She has been particularly interested in understanding how and in which conditions excluded and marginalised groups and communities engage in sustained participation and collective action. She has experience in interdisciplinary and mixed-method research in the field of youth participation, community-based initiatives, political engagement with climate change, mutual aid and solidarity, climate activism and social movements.
Carla Malafaia (PhD, University of Porto) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto. She recently coordinated and developed the Portuguese Ethnographic Subproject of the H2020 ERC-funded project “Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation”. Since 2008, she has been actively involved in national and large-scale international research projects on youth civic and political participation, its intersection with educational and social inequalities, and practices of visual politicization. Carla Malafaia is a member of the Centre for Sociology of Democracy (Helsinki), and of the Portuguese Society of Education Sciences (SPCE).
Mehmet Ali Üzelgün (PhD, University Institute of Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL) is an Integrated member of Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and an Invited Assistant Professor at Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul. His research explores various discursive, rhetorical, and representational features of climate change communication.
Daniela Ferreira da Silva (Master, University of Porto) is a sociologist, PhD student in Communication Sciences (University of Minho) and researcher-collaborator at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. She collaborated on the project “ArtCitizenship – Young people and the arts of citizenship: activism, participatory culture and creative practices” (CICS.NOVA). Her main research interests are youth activism, political socialization, new forms of political/civic participation “onlife”, contemporary social movements, design of digital literacy interventions and hybrid methodologies.
Tânia R. Santos (PhD, University Institute of Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the JustFutures project in the University of Minho. She collaborated in projects exploring people-place relations in the construction of environmental citizenship. Her recent doctoral work has analyzed the intersection of citizenship with the politics of mobility in the construction of more just and inclusive societies.
Dora Rebelo is a psychologist with a PhD in Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL), and a post-doc researcher for the JUSTFUTURES project (PTDC/COM-OUT/7669/2020) at Lisbon University Institute, ISCTE-IUL. She has ample fieldwork experience as a community psychologist and a consultant in humanitarian contexts across the globe. She is also a freelance trainer and a lecturer at ISCTE-IUL and University of Algarve. Her latest research has mainly focused on the intersection between mobilities, grassroots solidarity, political activism and migrant justice. She collaborates with “Fórum Refúgio Portugal” (a refugee-led platform voicing people who sought sanctuary in Portugal), Europe Must Act (a citizens’ movement advocating for migrant justice in Europe), and several transnational activist research groups, writing collaboratively on border violence contestation.
Ana Garcia is a researcher with a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Porto, a Master in Social Education and Community Intervention from the University of Aveiro, and a Post-Graduation in Theatre and Artistic Production from the School of Music and Performing Arts of Porto. As a collaborating researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education she is dedicated to research and intervention in the field of Education and Citizenship; Arts and Participation; Youth Cultures; Social Justice; Activism; Participatory and Artistic-Creative Research Methodologies. She has professional experience in Portugal, England and Ireland in the artistic, cultural, educational and social areas, in several multicultural, community and educational contexts.

Research Fellow
Juliana Diógenes-Lima is a journalist and holds a Master in Education Sciences (University of Porto). She was a research fellow in the project ‘ClimActiC: Citizenship for Climate – Building Bridges between Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation’ (CIIE/FPCE-UP), having collaborated in the development of participatory research with young people and facilitated intervention sessions in schools. She is interested in social and interdisciplinary research in the areas of climate change communication and education. She has academic and professional experience in public and private contexts in Brazil and Portugal.