Anabela Carvalho guest speaker ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination of responsibility’

Anabela Carvalho presented, as a guest speaker, on ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination responsibility’ at the Public Session in Porto, on the occasion of COP26. This event was organised by Campo Aberto – Environmental Defense Association and by the Greve Climática Estudantil of Porto, with the support of ACER – Associação Cultural e de Estudos Regionais; Clube Unesco da Cidade do Porto; NDMALO-GE: Núcleo de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Lordelo do Ouro – Grupo Ecológico; Movimento por um Jardim Ferroviário na Boavista e Cinema Passos Manuel.

Research Topic published in Frontiers in Communication

Anabela Carvalho, Chris Russill and Julie Doyle, recently organized a Research Topic in Frontiers in Communication. The Research Topic is composed of 10 articles, where more than 20 authors engage in critical approaches to climate change and civic action.

In the editorial article, besides introducing the papers that are part of the Research Topic, the editors discuss the nature of critical communication research and how it can contribute to understanding civic action and social transformation.

All the papers can be accessed in the journal.

  • Carvalho A., Russill C., & Doyle J. (2021). Editorial: Critical Approaches to Climate Change and Civic Action. Frontiers in Communication. 6:711897. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.711897

Consultancy provided by Anabela Carvalho to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs

Consultancy provided by Anabela Carvalho to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) on the possible relaunch of the debate on nuclear weapons; based on lessons learned around communication on climate change and, specifically, the involvement of young people with the issue. The contributions were translated into the production of a video message and participation in a high-level meeting at the 76th Session of the Advisory Board for Disarmament Matters.