- Published article: “Imagined Climate Futures and Collective Action: An Analysis of Affect in Dystopias and Utopias by Young Climate Activists”The most recent article from the JustFutures project, titled “Imagined Climate Futures and Collective Action: An Analysis of Affect in Dystopias and Utopias by Young Climate Activists“, was published in the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology on March 4, 2025. This study is part of the analysis of focus group discussions and examines… Read more: Published article: “Imagined Climate Futures and Collective Action: An Analysis of Affect in Dystopias and Utopias by Young Climate Activists”
- Published chapter “Communication in youth climate activism: Addressing research pitfalls and centring young people’s voices” in the book “Environmental Communication”Carla Malafaia and Maria Fernandes-Jesus published the chapter “Communication in Youth Climate Activism: Addressing Research Pitfalls and Centring Young People’s Voices,” in December 2024. The chapter appeared in the recently released book “Environmental Communication”, published by De Gruyter Mouton (“Handbooks of Communication Science” series).
- Published article “Intersectionality in youth climate activism as educational practice: political, pragmatic, and pedagogical dimensions”The latest article published by the JustFutures project is entitled “Intersectionality in youth climate activism as educational practice: political, pragmatic, and pedagogical dimensions”, and was published in the journal Frontiers in Education on January 1, 2025.
Conferences & Talks
- Anabela Carvalho presents at the conference “Enhancing Sustainability: Bridging Corporate Practices with Academic and Popular Discourse”As a hegemonic “macro-narrative,” the idea of sustainability continues to dominate environmental discourses in contemporary societies. At the conference “Enhancing Sustainability: Bridging Corporate Practices with Academic and Popular Discourse,” held from December 18 to 20, 2024, at the University of Naples L’Orientale, analyses of multiple cases were presented in which the concept has been used… Read more: Anabela Carvalho presents at the conference “Enhancing Sustainability: Bridging Corporate Practices with Academic and Popular Discourse”
- Daniela Ferreira da Silva presents at the Research Days of the Institute of Sociology of UPortoDaniela Ferreira da Silva, in collaboration with Anabela Carvalho and Maria Fernandes-Jesus, presented at the latest Research Days of the Institute of Sociology of UPorto, which took place between October 10 and 11 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUP) of the University of Porto. The presentation, entitled “JustFutures: Political Imaginaries in the Portuguese… Read more: Daniela Ferreira da Silva presents at the Research Days of the Institute of Sociology of UPorto
- JUSTFUTURES at ECREA 2024 – European Communication AssociationHaving already had a communication accepted at the previous edition of the biennial ECREA conference, JUSTFUTURES was represented at ECREA2024—’10th European Communication Conference’, with an analysis of recent forms of climate activism in public spaces. The presentation, by Anabela Carvalho, was titled ‘Young people, political imaginaries, and climate change: On transgressing normality and re-scripting agentic… Read more: JUSTFUTURES at ECREA 2024 – European Communication Association
⤷ See all recent conferences and talks
Other Activities
- New materials added to the ClimAct-Hub sectionBetween late 2024 and early 2025, the project developed two new resources, which can be found in the ClimAct-Hub section.
- Daniela Ferreira da Silva presents in the course ´Communication, Science, and Environment`Daniela Ferreira da Silva presented in the course ‘Communication, Science, and Environment’ on 16 December 2024. The course, coordinated by Anabela Carvalho, is part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences program at the University of Minho. Her presentation summarized the different tasks within the JUSTFUTURES project and highlighted some outputs from collaborative workshops with… Read more: Daniela Ferreira da Silva presents in the course ´Communication, Science, and Environment`
- Daniela Ferreira da Silva recognized by SOPCOM’s Young Researchers WGDuring the month of October, Daniela Ferreira da Silva was recognized by the Young Researchers Working Group of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM).