Based on social media and other materials available online, in this visual graph, we identify the forms of action most frequently used by the groups, collectives, organisations and social movements that have climate change as their main focus of action. The activities they organise are clustered in 11 forms of action with the most frequent forms being: protests and demonstrations; digital activism; awareness and training; prefigurative and community action.
The graph is interactive. By clicking over the name of the groups (e.g., ClimAção Centro), a list of the type of actions developed by the group becomes visible. It is also possible to identify the groups by their forms of action. For that, just click over the type of action you want to see (e.g., digital activism).
We have also developed a graph that, besides including the 68 groups who have climate change as the main focus of their action, also represents the 105 groups that were identified as having climate change as one of their areas of action, among others.
All the information collected within the scope of this mapping is systematised in the report entitled “Climate Movement in Portugal”, available here.
Important note:
The data on which this mapping is based was gathered between October 2021 and April 2022. Given the dynamic nature of climate movement, various types of changes will have occurred in the meantime.