Maria Fernandes-Jesus writes about democracy and youth participation in annual report

Maria Fernandes-Jesus contributed to the report The State of the Nation and Public Policies, an IPPS-Iscte initiative, published annually, which can be consulted here. Maria Fernandes-Jesus contributed with a chapter on democracy where she makes a diagnosis of democracy in Portugal and discusses the political participation of young people. In the same chapter, the author comments on the public consultation on the national lithium program. On July 21, a news article related to this work was published in the newspaper Público (A democracy deaf to the demands of citizens).

Consultancy provided by Anabela Carvalho to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs

Consultancy provided by Anabela Carvalho to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) on the possible relaunch of the debate on nuclear weapons; based on lessons learned around communication on climate change and, specifically, the involvement of young people with the issue. The contributions were translated into the production of a video message and participation in a high-level meeting at the 76th Session of the Advisory Board for Disarmament Matters.