New materials added to the ClimAct-Hub section

Between late 2024 and early 2025, the project developed two new resources, which can be found in the ClimAct-Hub section. This section showcases some of the materials created by the project with relevance for climate activism.

The brochure Creating Action Dynamics: Developing Youth Political Agency and Building Fairer Climate Futures  (here in Portuguese) was the result of two participatory workshops on political agency and climate change, held with young people from two Portuguese cities—Porto and Lisbon. The English version of the brochure was published on the website of the Shift-COST action, which supported its production (here).

In February 2025, the project published the Climate Activism Timeline–2015-2025, which aims to highlight demonstrations, protests, and other events related to environmental, climate, and sustainability issues. You can access it here.

Daniela Ferreira da Silva presents in the course ´Communication, Science, and Environment`

Daniela Ferreira da Silva presented in the course ‘Communication, Science, and Environment’ on 16 December 2024. The course, coordinated by Anabela Carvalho, is part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences program at the University of Minho. Her presentation summarized the different tasks within the JUSTFUTURES project and highlighted some outputs from collaborative workshops with young people on political agency and climate change, which were held between July and September 2024.

Tânia R. Santos invited speaker in the course “Communication for Social Change”

Tânia R. Santos participated as a guest speaker in the academic course “Communication for Social Change,” organised by Marcin Lewiński and Mehmet Ali Üzelgün within the Master’s program in Communication Sciences at FCSH-UNL. The presentation took place on November 23, 2023, and focused on the task that has been analysing the representation of climate-conscious youth on Portuguese television at two distinct moments: from 2019 to 2021 and in 2022.

JustFutures’ researchers present their work at the curricular unit Contemporary Debates on Journalism

Researchers Daniela Ferreira da Silva and Tânia R Santos were invited by Professor Carla Cerqueira to participate in the curricular unit “Contemporary Debates on Journalism”, an optional UC of the Degree in Communication Sciences, at Universidade Lusófona do Porto. The discussion took place on March 29, 2023 at the Bonfim Business Center, where the second-year International Relations class with Professor Célia Taborda also joined.

Daniela and Tânia had the opportunity to present the results of tasks 2 and 3 of the project, which include the analysis of the political imaginaries of young climate activists and the analysis of the representation of the youth climate movement on Portuguese television.

Anabela Carvalho interviewed on Antena 2

On the 12th of December, an interview was aired during Ciência, on Antena 2, with the principal investigator (PI) of the project, Anabela Carvalho. The PI had the opportunity to present the relevance of the JustFutures project in the national panorama. She also presented some results derived from the mapping of the climate movement, and the tasks still in progress. These are: analysis of climate activism groups’ discourses, analysis of the representation of these groups in the mainstream media, creation of discussion groups with young people on how they envision climate change and an ethnographic study that follows the groups of the youth climate movement.

The conversation can be heard here.

Report on Climate Activism in Portugal released #onthemedia

On November 8, the Report on Climate Activism in Portugal developed by the JustFutures team was disseminated by Público newspaper. Anabela Carvalho, the principal investigator interviewed for this piece, reflects on the identified climate activism groups in Portugal and their diversity. The article was integrated into the newspaper’s new information section, Azul, which aims to discuss issues related to the environment and sustainability.

Access the article in Portuguese How strong is the climate movement in Portugal?

Meeting with groups of the climate movement in Portugal

On July 11, the JustFutures team had the opportunity to meet with several groups of the climate movement in Portugal where the mapping of the movement recently launched on our website was discussed.

It was a meeting where we were able to talk to various groups about the usefulness of this mapping, and where we could hear various suggestions and comments about the state of the climate movement in Portugal and their needs. Members of Associação Zero, ClimAção Centro, Geota, Lisboa Possível, Movimento Ar Puro de Rio Maior, Movimento Transformers, Plataforma TROCA, Plataforma Já Marchavas, SOS Quinta dos Ingleses and SOS Terras do Cávado were present.

During this meeting we proposed the creation of a monitoring group with elements of the groups present so that they accompany us throughout the different phases of this research project.