Maria Fernandes-Jesus and Carla Malafaia presented “Youth voices for climate justice: activists articulating and envisioning futures”

On 23 September, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, with the collaboration of Carla Malafaia, gave a presentation on “Youth voices for climate justice: activists articulating and envisioning futures” during the International Conference of Community Psychology in Naples, which took place from 21 to 24 September 2022. This presentation was integrated in the symposium “Promoting social justice engagement between powers and privileges”.

Dora Rebelo also helped to facilitate a collaborative workshop during this conference entitled “Community Psychology and Migrant Justice” where scholars discussed the social complexity associated with migratory injustices.

Maria Fernandes-Jesus presented “Youth climate movement in Portugal: political imaginaries in youth-led groups”

On July 7, Maria Fernandes-Jesus made a presentation on “Youth climate movement in Portugal: political imaginaries in youth-led groups” during the 27th Conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS), organised by Iscte-iul and that this year happened online.

Anabela Carvalho was also an invited keynote speaker of the conference discussing “Climate policies and practices: critical discourse studies perspectives”.

JustFutures team members presented their work at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists

Several members of the JustFutures team recently presented their work at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists, which took place from June 29 to July 1 at Iscte-iul in Lisbon.

Anabela Carvalho made a presentation on “Political Positioning of Youth-Led Climate Change Activist Groups and Organizations in Portugal” with the collaboration of several team members.

Maria Fernandes-Jesus also participated in a roundtable to discuss “The urban environment of democracy”. Her intervention focused particularly on the urban challenges for climate justice and social movements in the city of Lisbon.

More information about the conference here.

Presentation at the 10th Congress of Science Communication

On May 12, 2022, Anabela Carvalho participated in the 10th Science Communication Congress SciComPt with a presentation on “Science(s) in Climate Activism’ with the collaboration of our new team member, Daniela Ferreira da Silva. The congress took place from 11 to 14 May 2022 at Parque Ciência e Tecnologia de São Miguel, Azores.

More information in the Congress abstract book and website.

Anabela Carvalho guest speaker ‘Universities and the ecological crisis’

Anabela Carvalho discussed issues about ‘Universities and the ecological crisis’ as a guest speaker in a roundtable organised by Rede para o Decrescimento in partnership with Rede BLX Bibliotecas de Lisboa, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the book ‘The Limits to Growth ‘. This event was part of the cycle Crescer até Rebentar?.

Anabela Carvalho guest speaker ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination of responsibility’

Anabela Carvalho presented, as a guest speaker, on ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination responsibility’ at the Public Session in Porto, on the occasion of COP26. This event was organised by Campo Aberto – Environmental Defense Association and by the Greve Climática Estudantil of Porto, with the support of ACER – Associação Cultural e de Estudos Regionais; Clube Unesco da Cidade do Porto; NDMALO-GE: Núcleo de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Lordelo do Ouro – Grupo Ecológico; Movimento por um Jardim Ferroviário na Boavista e Cinema Passos Manuel.