- [CLOSED] Workshops on political agency and climate change: Recruitment of young university students in LisbonThe JUSTFUTURES project is looking for young university students (fluent in Portuguese) aged between 18 and 30 to participate in participatory workshops to discuss proposals on how to amplify the voice of young people in the climate change debate. The JUSTFUTURES project: Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Youth Political Narratives and Imaginaries has been studying the youth climate movement in Portugal since 2021. Currently, the project is in the final phase of development—organizing participatory workshops with young activists and non-activists on the political agency of youth in the context of climate change. These workshops will include various activities that foster… Read more: [CLOSED] Workshops on political agency and climate change: Recruitment of young university students in Lisbon
- PhD fellowship at JustFutures (UPorto, Closed)A call is open for one PhD Fellowship within our research project “JUSTFUTURES – Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Narratives and Political Imaginaries of Young People” (PTDC/COM-OUT/7669/2020). The work will be carried out at at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of FPCEUP, with local coordination of Carla Malafaia during 6 months. Deadline is on 7th February 2024 For more information on how to apply here.
- Youth and Climate Change – Research and Debate Forum (June 26, 2023, ICS, UMinho)In recent years, young people have taken on a leading role in the fight against climate change, whether through protests on the streets and in schools or in the public and digital debate. In order to better understand their motivations, opinions, and visions, this forum proposes to bring together six ongoing research and intervention projects. The meeting will enable the presentation of projects that are being developed at the University of Minho, the University of Porto, and the ISCTE-IUL regarding the involvement of young people in climate change, as well as a debate on various dimensions of common interest. In… Read more: Youth and Climate Change – Research and Debate Forum (June 26, 2023, ICS, UMinho)
- PhD fellowship at JustFutures (UPorto, CLOSED)A call is open for one PhD Fellowship within our research project “JUSTFUTURES – Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Narratives and Political Imaginaries of Young People” (PTDC/COM-OUT/7669/2020). The work will be carried out at at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of FPCEUP, with local coordination of Carla Malafaia during 18 months. Deadline was on 12th July 2022 For more information on how to apply here.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship JustFutures (Iscte, Closed!)Deadline: 15th of April 2022. Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS) of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (UMinho, closed)Applications are now closed! Postdoctoral fellowship at at Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho.
- PhD fellowship at JustFutures (UMinho, closed)Applications are now closed! PhD fellowship at Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho.
- Call for papers “Youth Climate Activism and Sustainable Civic and Political Engagement” (Closed)Submissions closed! Special issue: Youth Climate Activism and Sustainable Civic and Political Engagement.