[CLOSED] Workshops on political agency and climate change: Recruitment of young university students in Lisbon

The JUSTFUTURES project is looking for young university students (fluent in Portuguese) aged between 18 and 30 to participate in participatory workshops to discuss proposals on how to amplify the voice of young people in the climate change debate.

The JUSTFUTURES project: Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Youth Political Narratives and Imaginaries has been studying the youth climate movement in Portugal since 2021. Currently, the project is in the final phase of development—organizing participatory workshops with young activists and non-activists on the political agency of youth in the context of climate change. These workshops will include various activities that foster critical thinking, political agency, collective action, and the imagination of alternative futures.

Through these workshops, the project aims to reach young people who are less involved in the climate cause but have some interest in climate change issues, to critically discuss the political agency of youth in these matters.

The workshops will take place on September 20th and 21st (Friday and Saturday, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM) on the campus of ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (building 4).

The project will offer Sonae gift cards worth €50 (usable at Continente, Worten, Zippy, MO, Sportzone, Wells, Bagga, Note!, Zu, and the online store continente.pt) to those who participate in both days, along with a certificate of participation.

If you are interested in participating in the workshops, contact the project via WhatsApp (919718866) or by email at danielasilva0497@gmail.com.