JustFutures on Social Movements and Political Action Seminar in CIES-Iscte, Lisbon

On June 26, the JustFutures team collectively presented work developed across various work packages of the project during the monthly seminar on Social Movements and Political Seminar, organised by Guya Accornero and Tiago Carvalho. This seminar was online and in-person in the University Institute of Lisbon. Tânia R. Santos, Dora Rebelo, Daniela Ferreira da Silva, Mehmet Ali Uzelgun, and Anabela Carvalho presented and discussed research related to youth political agency, the political imaginaries of activist groups and their emotional/affective dimensions, and how mainstream television represents and legitimises different political imaginaries and different types of youth climate activism.

A recording of the seminar will be available on the CIES-Iscte youtube channel soon.