Anabela Carvalho guest speaker ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination of responsibility’

Anabela Carvalho presented, as a guest speaker, on ‘Climate change: A story of capturing the narrative and of the dissemination responsibility’ at the Public Session in Porto, on the occasion of COP26. This event was organised by Campo Aberto – Environmental Defense Association and by the Greve Climática Estudantil of Porto, with the support of ACER – Associação Cultural e de Estudos Regionais; Clube Unesco da Cidade do Porto; NDMALO-GE: Núcleo de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Lordelo do Ouro – Grupo Ecológico; Movimento por um Jardim Ferroviário na Boavista e Cinema Passos Manuel.